Қаз Рус Eng
  • 8 (7172) 64-34-62
  • 28.06.2022
BRICS+ is a new ark, which, breaking sanctions, enters the broad waters of a new partnership and global development

On June 23-24, 2022, the XIV Summit of the informal interstate association BRICS+ was held in Beijing via videoconference

  • 30.07.2020
Modern Chinese Army

R.Tairov, Candidate of Law.

  • 17.07.2020
Political economic analysis of the economy of terror

Dzhumanbekov D.M., Professor of the Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, expert of the CSI MO RK Mukhamedzhanova L.N., teacher of the Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Economic Sciences
