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The scientific journal «SARDAR»

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The scientific journal “SARDAR” has been published by JSC “Center for Military-Strategic Research” since 2008 with a publication frequency of once a quarter.

Certificate of registration of the mass media dated November 20, 2008 No. 9680-Zh (number and date of initial registration No. 9442-Zh dated 08/07/2008), issued by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The SARDAR magazine is registered with the International Center for Registration of Periodicals ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France) and assigned the international number ISSN 2071-2707.

The scientific journal “Sardar” is in the List of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activities in the direction of “Military Sciences”.


Ryspaev Askhat Nauryzbaevich – editor-in-chief, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), associate professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences, president of JSC Center for Military Strategic Studies, major general in reserve;

Baiseitov Gani Nuralievich – deputy editor-in-chief, candidate of technical sciences, general director of NIC Enter Kazakhstan Engineering LLP, reserve colonel;

Akshulakov Kuandyk Zhaksybaevich - executive secretary, candidate of military sciences, doctor of philosophical sciences (PhD), associate professor, chief researcher of the research department of military art of the Military Research Center of the National Defense University of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, reserve colonel.


Tasbulatov Abay Bolyukpaevich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the General Staff of the Academy of the National Defense University of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, Lieutenant General of the Reserve;

Tulembaeva Aigul Nuralievna – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Chief Inspector – Assistant to the Minister of Defense;

Buloichik Vasily Mikhailovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel;

Motohide Umano – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professor at Osaka Prefecture University (Japan);

Shadi A. Aljawerne – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professor in the Department of Software Engineering at the Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan);

Atanov Sabyrzhan Kubeisinovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov;

Baimukanov Amangeldy Kelmanovich – Candidate of Political Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Deputy Head of the Institute – Head of the Research Department of Military Art of the National Defense University of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, Colonel;

Sultanov Timur Toleugalievich – candidate of technical sciences, deputy dean for scientific work of the transport and energy faculty of the Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov;

Moldamurat Kh. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Space Engineering and Technologies of the Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov.

The acceptance of manuscripts for publication in the scientific journal «Sardar» No. 3 (47) 2024 is completed!