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From May 29 to 31, 2024 in the Russian Federation, representatives of JSC «CSMR» took part in the XV International Salon «Integrated Security – 2024» and the exhibition «Initial Military Training».



From May 29 to 31, 2024 in the Russian Federation, representatives of JSC «CSMR»  took part in the XV International Salon «Integrated Security – 2024» and the exhibition «Initial Military Training».

The key theme of the Salon this year is «Ensuring the safety of infrastructure facilities». The organizer of the salon is the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The venue is the Patriot Exhibition Center (Moscow region).

Expositions in the areas of fire safety, rescue equipment, information technology and communications, construction safety and labor protection, disaster medicine and tactical medicine, robotics and UAVs, safety of facilities and infrastructure, integrated security in the Arctic region were opened in the Salon.

They also took part in the exhibition «Initial military training» at the EXPO Center.

The purpose of the exhibition is to demonstrate the products of enterprises for organizing initial military training and gaining knowledge about military service and military affairs.