Қаз Рус Eng
  • 8 (7172) 64-34-62

September 20, 2024, JSC "Center for Military-Strategic Research" will hold an International Scientific and Theoretical Conference on the topic: "National and Regional Security in the Light of Modern Challenges".

Considering questions:

1. Main directions of ensuring security and countering threats.

2. Risks and their impact on the development of stability in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. The role of international organizations (SCO, CSTO and etc.) in ensuring regional security.

Conference format: in the form of plenary session.

Conference language: State and Russian, simultaneous translation will be provided for foreign guests.

Conference venue: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, Kosmonavtov Street 60, Conference Hall of Comfort Hotel Astana.

Time: September 20, 2024, 10.00 a.m.

Registration of conference participants will be held on September 20, 2024 from 9.00 to 9.50 in the foyer of the hotel.

A collection of conference materials will be published following the conference.

To participate in the conference, please send a completed application form and a report to the following e-mail: by September 10, 2024. Contact phone number: +7 (7172) 64-34-62 (ext. 104). Coordinator: Director of the Defense Research Department Akimbaev E.Zh. (mobile phone: +7 777 127 38 64).

Materials submitted later than the specified deadline or not formatted in accordance with the requirements will not be considered and will not be returned to the authors.



Application form for participation:

Full name


Position, academic degree, academic rank, military rank


Organization (title)


Contact telephone number




Theme of topic


Need for technical means


Form of participation (full-time, correspondence)





While preparing a report, we kindly ask authors to

follow the following rules:


Requirements for the preparation of conference materials: the text of reports up to 10 full pages should be submitted only in electronic form in the Word text editor, Times New Roman font (in Kazakh - Times Kaz), 14 font size, line spacing - 1, all margins - 20 mm.

Heading design: the initials and surname of the author (in capital letters, aligned with the center of the line), on the next line - the name of the higher educational establishment, organization, city, country, (aligned with the center in italics), then after a line the title of the article (in capital bold letters, aligned with the center of the line). Moreover, the text may include black-and-white figures and graphs separated by spaces at the top and bottom, signed under the figure, or tables, the title of which is given at the top. At the end of the text - a summary in 2 languages respectively (if the report is in Kazakh - a summary in Russian and English, etc.). References to literature are given in the text in square brackets with numbers in the order of mention in the text.



Organizing Committee of Conference